Most shadow removal methods rely on the invasion of training images associated with laborious and lavish shadow region annotations, leading to the increasing popularity of shadow image synthesis. However, the poor performance also stems from these synthesized images since they are often shadow-inauthentic and details-impaired. In this paper, we present a novel generation framework, referred to as HQSS, for high-quality pseudo shadow image synthesis. The given image is first decoupled into a shadow region identity and a non-shadow region identity. HQSS employs a shadow feature encoder and a generator to synthesize pseudo images. Specifically, the encoder extracts the shadow feature of a region identity which is then paired with another region identity to serve as the generator input to synthesize a pseudo image. The pseudo image is expected to have the shadow feature as its input shadow feature and as well as a real-like image detail as its input region identity. To fulfill this goal, we design three learning objectives. When the shadow feature and input region identity are from the same region identity, we propose a self-reconstruction loss that guides the generator to reconstruct an identical pseudo image as its input. When the shadow feature and input region identity are from different identities, we introduce an inter-reconstruction loss and a cycle-reconstruction loss to make sure that shadow characteristics and detail information can be well retained in the synthesized images. Our HQSS is observed to outperform the state-of-the-art methods on ISTD dataset, Video Shadow Removal dataset, and SRD dataset. The code is available at
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This technical report briefly describes our JDExplore d-team's Vega v2 submission on the SuperGLUE leaderboard. SuperGLUE is more challenging than the widely used general language understanding evaluation (GLUE) benchmark, containing eight difficult language understanding tasks, including question answering, natural language inference, word sense disambiguation, coreference resolution, and reasoning. [Method] Instead of arbitrarily increasing the size of a pretrained language model (PLM), our aim is to 1) fully extract knowledge from the input pretraining data given a certain parameter budget, e.g., 6B, and 2) effectively transfer this knowledge to downstream tasks. To achieve goal 1), we propose self-evolution learning for PLMs to wisely predict the informative tokens that should be masked, and supervise the masked language modeling (MLM) process with rectified smooth labels. For goal 2), we leverage the prompt transfer technique to improve the low-resource tasks by transferring the knowledge from the foundation model and related downstream tasks to the target task. [Results] According to our submission record (Oct. 2022), with our optimized pretraining and fine-tuning strategies, our 6B Vega method achieved new state-of-the-art performance on 4/8 tasks, sitting atop the SuperGLUE leaderboard on Oct. 8, 2022, with an average score of 91.3.
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Semantic segmentation is a high level computer vision task that assigns a label for each pixel of an image. It is challengeful to deal with extremely-imbalanced data in which the ratio of target ixels to background pixels is lower than 1:1000. Such severe input imbalance leads to output imbalance for poor model training. This paper considers three issues for extremely-imbalanced data: inspired by the region based loss, an implicit measure for the output imbalance is proposed, and an adaptive algorithm is designed for guiding the output imbalance hyperparameter selection; then it is generalized to distribution based loss for dealing with output imbalance; and finally a compound loss with our adaptive hyperparameter selection alogorithm can keep the consistency of training and inference for harmonizing the output imbalance. With four popular deep architectures on our private dataset with three input imbalance scales and three public datasets, extensive experiments demonstrate the ompetitive/promising performance of the proposed method.
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深度神经网络(DNN)已在脑病变检测和分割中广泛采用。但是,在2D MRI切片中定位小病变是具有挑战性的,需要在3D上下文聚集的粒度和计算复杂性之间取得平衡。在本文中,我们提出了一种新型的视角变压器,以增强MRI特征的提取,以进行更准确的肿瘤检测。首先,所提出的变压器在3D脑扫描中收获了不同位置之间的远程相关性。其次,变压器将一堆切片功能堆叠为多个2D视图,并增强这些特征的视图,该功能大致以有效的方式实现了3D相关计算。第三,我们将提出的变压器模块部署在变压器主链中,该模块可以有效地检测到脑损伤周围的2D区域。实验结果表明,我们提出的观看式变压器在具有挑战性的大脑MRI数据集上对大脑病变检测表现良好。
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自动扬声器验证(ASV)已在现实生活中广泛用于身份认证。但是,随着语音转换的快速发展,语音合成算法和记录设备质量的提高,ASV系统很容易受到欺骗攻击。近年来,有关合成和重播语音检测的许多作品,研究人员提出了许多基于手工制作的特征的反欺骗方法,以提高合成和重播语音检测系统的准确性和鲁棒性。但是,使用手工制作的功能而不是原始波形将丢失某些信息进行抗旋转,这将降低系统的检测性能。受图像分类任务中Convnext的有希望的性能的启发,我们将Convnext网络体系结构相应地扩展到SPOOF攻击任务,并提出了端到端的反欺骗模型。通过将扩展体系结构与频道注意块相结合,提出的模型可以专注于最有用的语音表示子频段,以改善反欺骗性的性能。实验表明,对于ASVSPOOF 2019 LA评估数据集和PA评估数据集,我们提出的最佳单个系统可以达到1.88%和2.79%的误差率,这证明了该模型的抗SpoFofing能力。
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深生成模型(DGM)是数据浏览的。从本质上讲,这是因为在有限数据上学习一个复杂的模型,遭受了较大的差异和容易过度的折磨。受\ emph {偏见 - 变化困境}的启发,我们提出了\ emph {正则化的深生成模型}(reg-dgm),该模型}(reg-dgm)利用了不可转移的预训练模型来减少具有有限数据的生成模型的变异。正式地,Reg-DGM优化了数据分布与DGM之间一定差异的加权总和,以及预先训练的模型W.R.T.定义的能量函数的期望。 DGM。从理论上讲,我们表征了Reg-DGM在非参数环境中全球最小值的存在和独特性,并严格证明Reg-DGM W.R.T.的统计益处。在一个简单而代表性的高斯拟合示例中,平均误差和预期风险。从经验上讲,在Reg-DGM中指定DGM和预训练的模型是非常灵活的。尤其是,使用RESNET-18分类器在ImageNet上进行了预先培训和数据依赖性能量功能,Reg-DGM始终在几个基准上改善了强大的DGM的生成性能,包括StyleGAN2和ADA在几个基准上,具有有限的数据,并为国家取得了竞争性的结果 - 艺术方法。
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迅速调整,它冻结了预审计的语言模型(PLM),只有微调的几个额外软提示的参数,在PLM具有数十亿个参数时,对全参数微调(即模型调整)显示出具有竞争性的性能,但仍然显示出竞争力。在较小的PLM的情况下,性能差。因此,迅速转移(POT),通过训练有素的类似源任务的提示来初始化目标提示,最近提议改善及时调整。但是,这样的香草锅方法通常会实现次优的性能,因为(i)锅对源目标对的相似性和(ii)直接对目标提示进行初始提示的提示敏感,而目标任务可能会导致灾难性忘记来源知识。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个新的指标,以准确预测及时的转移性(关于(i)),以及一种利用知识蒸馏技术将“知识”从源提示转移到的新颖的锅方法(即熊猫)目标以微妙的方式提示,并有效缓解灾难性遗忘(关于(ii))。此外,为了实现每个源目标对的自适应及时转移,我们使用指标来控制熊猫方法中的知识转移。对PLM的5个量表的21个源和9个目标数据集的189组组合进行了广泛而系统的实验,表明:1)我们提出的指标很好地预测了及时的可传递性; 2)在所有任务和型号中,我们的熊猫始终优于香草锅的平均得分2.3%(最高24.1%); 3)通过我们的熊猫方法,及时调整可以比在各种PLM量表场景中的模型调整来实现竞争性甚至更好的性能。接受代码和模型将在接受后发布。
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时间序列与许多其他机器学习领域一样,从统计学到深度学习进行了过渡。尽管随着模型在许多公开可用的数据集中的更新时,似乎精度一直在提高,但通常只会将比例尺增加几倍,以换取准确性的略有差异。通过该实验,我们指出了不同的思维方式,时间序列,尤其是长期预测,可能与其他领域有所不同。不必使用广泛而复杂的模型来掌握时间序列的所有方面,而是使用纯模型来掌握时间序列的核心规则。有了这个简单但有效的想法,我们创建了Purets,这是一个具有三个纯线性层的网络,在80%的长序列预测任务中实现了最新的,同时几乎是最轻的模型,并且运行速度最快。在此基础上,我们讨论了纯线性层在现象和本质中的潜力。理解核心法律的能力有助于长距离预测的高精度,并且合理的波动可以防止其扭曲多步预测中的曲线,例如主流深度学习模型,该模型总结为纯粹的线性神经网络,避免了范围 - 覆盖。最后,我们建议轻巧长时间时间序列任务的基本设计标准:输入和输出应尝试具有相同的维度,并且结构避免了碎片化和复杂的操作。
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